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Machine Learning

As technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to get more and more integrated into our everyday lives, it’s important to understand how AI technologies influence society.

During the STEM Summit last June 8, Ms. Robin Ramos, a data scientist, taught the participants to understand AI, how machines learn, and the impact of these technologies on our society.


Data Scientists are engaged in different sectors. From helping detect scams and fraudulent transactions in the finance sector, improving games through player insights, to preparing for responses to natural disasters, data scientists play a vital role in improving different industries that we interact with daily. To efficiently gather and interpret data and make predictions, data scientists often train machines to utilize the data they can gather.

Machine learning is a set of techniques and tools that help computers learn and adapt on their own. It involves learning patterns from sample inputs and using those patterns to make predictions and perform tasks.

A fast and easy way to engage in machine learning without coding is through Teachable Machine—a web-based tool developed by Google that allows you to create and train your artificial intelligence model.

Why don’t you try out Teachable Machine for yourself and see how easy it is to use.

Just follow these four simple steps:

1.    Gather data to create a dataset. You can use your webcam/microphone or upload files

2.    Train your model

3.    Test and tweak

4.    Use your model

Did you have fun trying out teaching a machine? Answer this question from Ms. Robin below:

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